Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How To Care And Clean For Your Solid Wood Flooring

Who would not want solid wood flooring in their home? You really cannot beat the beauty of wonderful organic wood. That is why wooden flooring materials are fast becoming very popular in the UK. However, there is a common misconception that luxury wood flooring materials are extremely high maintenance. It could not be further from the truth. Solid wood flooring is a very low maintenance flooring material. Read on to find out the real facts. Relax and calm!

Your new solid wood flooring will not require not too much effort to keep it looking great. Protecting and cleaning your solid wood flooring is really very easy. All you need to do is to keep in mind two main factors. Firstly what can potentially damage your floor. And what cleaning agents to avoid. Lets first look at two ways your floor could become quickly and easily damaged.

 The biggest cause of damage to solid wood flooring is dirt, grit and sand. You can imagine that these types of debris act like sandpaper on the surface of the floor. A good way to stop this happening is by asking family and friends to remove their shoes before walking on the floor surface. Another big problem for wooden flooring is direct strong sunlight. It is lovely to have the sun shine streaming into your rooms, but over time those rays will literally fade and discolour your new floor.

Use light diffusing drapes or blinds when the sun is at its strongest during the day to make sure you protect the beauty of your solid wood flooring. So how about cleaning your new solid wood floor? Do not worry as this is very easy. A soft broom or brush should be used to sweep the floors surface. If you really do want to use a vaccum cleaner then use a cannsiter one.

These models will have special attachments to clean wood flooring. Avoid at all costs using your normal stand up vacuum cleaner which can potentially damage the floors surface with its beating mechanism. When sanitizing your solid wood flooring with a cleaning agent make sure that you do not use a soap or oil based one.

Use neutral pH cleaners that are made specifically for solid wood flooring and you really cannot go wrong. If solid wood flooring sounds like a great idea for your home or property then pay a visit to the UKDirect2You website. UKDirect2you specialise in providing solid wood flooring as well as floor cleaning products and accessories. On the UKDirect2you website you can also view the great range of solid wood flooring finishes that could be achieved in your home or property. You can also purchase directly from the UKDirect2you website for delivery straight to your front door.
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Solid wood floors are one of the most popular stlyes of flooring in the modern day - not only are such features easy to maintain once they're installed, but they are associated with the utmost quality and taste. Rather than having carpet or tiling placed in rooms, real wood flooring allows homeowners to have beautiful natural wooden boards installed, and with a range of colours and wood types


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